Antofagasta de la Sierra (Eocene of Argentina)

Where: Catamarca, Argentina (26.1° S, 67.4° W)

• Paleocoordinates: 26.6° S, 58.3° W (Wright 2013)

• coordinate stated in text

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Mustersan mammal zone, middle Member (Geste Formation), Priabonian (38.0 - 33.9 Ma)

• "The Geste Formation has been traditionally referred to the Mustersan SALMA (Late Eocene), mainly based on biochronological data (Pascual 1983; Alonso et al. 1988; Lopez 1997; Goin et al. 1998), although a Barrancan subage (late Middle Eocene) has been recently proposed from isotopic data and palaeontological studies (del Papa et al. 2010; Powell et al. 2011)." Garcia-Lopez Babot (2015)

•Powell et al., 2011: Recently, geologic and paleontologic evidence allowed the correlation of the upper levels of Lumbrera with Geste, Casa Grande, and Quebrada de los Colorados Formations. Additionally, these levels were referred to the late-middle Eocene (Casamayoran SALMA -South American Land Mammal Age-, Barrancan subage) by an U/Pb dating of 39.9 Ma . The lower levels of the Lumbrera Formation are here referred to the Vacan subage of the Casamayoran SALMA.

•DeCelles et al. 2007 obtained a Priabonian age for the fossiliferous levels of the Geste Formation. These levels were previosuly assigned a middle Eocene age based on faunal comparisons in Patagonia.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; coarse-grained, red sandstone and conglomerate

• The fossil-bearing sediments are composed of red coarse-grained sandstones, with conglomerate intercalations and at least four green-yellowish micaceous sandstone banks, easily noticed on the hill-chain behind the cemetary. In the uppermost part of the sequence, the argillous materials form typical gulches which in some sectors darken the sediments. These outcroppings are here considered as the Geste Formation Middle Member, in agreement with Alonso (1992).

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: permineralized

Reposited in the MLP

• MHAS: Museo del Hombre de Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina

Primary reference: G. M. López. 1995. Suniodon catamarcensis gen. et sp. nov. y otros Oldfieldthomasiidae (Notoungulata, Typotheria) del Eoceno de Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina. Actas, VI Congreso Argentino de Paleontología y Bioestratigrafía, Trelew 167-172 [D. Croft/D. Croft/R. Butler]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 41608: authorized by Darin Croft, entered by Darin Croft on 18.07.2004, edited by Philip Mannion, Richard Butler and Jelle Zijlstra

Creative Commons license: CC0 (CC0)

Taxonomic list

 Polydolopimorphia - Prepidolopidae
Punadolops alonsoi6 Pascual 1983 metatherian
MLP 86-V-6-3 right mandibular ramus with p3-m2. MLP 86-V-6-4 left mandibular ramus with p2.
 Polydolopimorphia - Bonapartheriidae
Bonapartherium serrensis n. sp.6 Goin et al. 1998 metatherian
MLP 93-VI-1-6 fragment of right maxillae with complete MI-M3.
 Polydolopimorphia -
Apeirodon sorianoi n. gen. n. sp.1
Apeirodon sorianoi n. gen. n. sp.1 Babot et al. 2020 metatherian
MHAS 128 - holotype
 Sparassodonta - Proborhyaenidae
Callistoe sp.9 Babot et al. 2002 metatherian
MLP 88-V-10-4 right m4 isolated with complete paraconid and anterior root.
 Placentalia -
Notoungulata indet.4 Roth 1903 notoungulate
MHAS 001, incomplete trigonid and talonid of right m1 or m2.
 Notoungulata - Notohippidae
Notohippidae indet.4 Ameghino 1894 notoungulate
cf. Pampahippus sp.7 Bond and López 1993 notoungulate
MLP 86-V-6-12 isolated left lower p3.
 Notoungulata - Isotemnidae
Isotemnidae "species indet. 2"4 Ameghino 1897 notoungulate
Isotemnidae "species indet. 3"4 Ameghino 1897 notoungulate
Isotemnidae "species indet. 1"4 Ameghino 1897 notoungulate
MLP 86-V-6-19 isolated canine. MLP 86-V-6-21 left lower m2 with the anterior portion of trigonid broken.
 Notoungulata - Notostylopidae
Notostylopidae indet.7 Ameghino 1897 notoungulate
MLP 88-V -10-12/15 isolated right upper P2-M2 of the same individual. MLP 93-VI -1-9 isolated right M2.
? Notostylopidae indet.7 Ameghino 1897 notoungulate
MLP 86-V-6-14 right upper Dm1 or Dm2.
 Notoungulata - Oldfieldthomasiidae
Oldfieldthomasiidae "species indet. 2"4 Simpson 1945 notoungulate
Oldfieldthomasiidae "species indet. 1"4 Simpson 1945 notoungulate
MLP 86-V-6-15 portion of mandibular ramus with m2-m3, MLP 86-V-6-16 73 portion of mandibular ramus with m3.
Suniodon sp.4 López 1995 notoungulate
Suniodon catamarcensis n. gen. n. sp. López 1995 notoungulate
MLP 93-VI-17 (holotype). MLP 93-VI-1-13
Colbertia sp.7 Paula Couto 1952 notoungulate
MLP 93-VI-I-15 isolated right M2.
 Notoungulata -
Typotheria "species indet. A"4 Zittel 1892 notoungulate
MHAS 002, fragment of right mandible with m1 and m2.
Typotheria "species indet. B"4 Zittel 1892 notoungulate
MHAS 014, fragment of left mandible with m1 or m2. MHAS 015, fragment of right mandible with distal fragment of m1 and complete m2 and m3.
 Notoungulata - Archaeohyracidae
Punahyrax sp.10 Reguero et al. 2008 notoungulate
MLP 86-V-6-10, left M1 or M2 broken on the labial side. MLP 93-VI-1-11, right M1 or M2 broken on the labial side; MHAS 051, 055
Punahyrax bondesioi n. gen. n. sp.10 Reguero et al. 2008 notoungulate
MLP 88-V-10-6, isolated left lower m3. MLP 86-V-6-8 portion of mandibular ramus with right m2. MLP 86-V-6-9 isolated lower m1 or m2. MLP 86-V-10-11 portion of mandibular ramus with p3-m1.
Pseudhyrax sp.5 Ameghino 1901 notoungulate
MHAS 015, 058, 059, 074, 075
 Notoungulata - Interatheriidae
Interatheriidae "species indet. 1"4 Ameghino 1887 notoungulate
Interatheriidae "species indet. 2"4 Ameghino 1887 notoungulate
Punapithecus minor n. gen. n. sp.8 López and Bond 1995 notoungulate
MLP 86-V-6-5(holotype). MLP 86-V-6-6, 88-V-10-1, 88-V-10-2, 88-V-10-3, 88-V-10-5, 88-V-10-8, 88-V-10-9, 93-VI-1-14. MHAS 004, fragment of left maxilla with P4-M2. MHAS 005, fragment of right maxilla with root of P1 and complete P2M3. MHAS 006, fragment of right maxilla with P2 and P3. MHAS 007, fragment of left maxilla with incomplete P3 and P4. MHAS 008, fragment of left maxilla with M1 and M2. MHAS 009, fragment of right maxilla with P4 and incomplete M1 and M2. MHAS 010, fragment of right maxilla with incomplete M13. MHAS 011, fragment of right maxilla with P4 and incomplete M1. MHAS 012, fragment of left maxilla with P2 and incomplete P3 and P4.
cf. Antofagastia sp.3 García López and Babot 2015 notoungulate
MLP 86-V-6-6 (originally included in Punapithecus minor) and MHAS 064
Antofagastia turneri n. gen. n. sp.4 García López and Babot 2015 notoungulate
MHAS 003, fragment of left maxilla (holotype); referred specimens: MHAS 062 and 063
 Pyrotheria - Pyrotheriidae
Propyrotherium sp.7 Ameghino 1901 placental
MLP 86-V-6-1 distal portion of tusk (incisive), probably lower right.
 Astrapotheria - Astrapotheriidae
Astrapotheriidae indet.7 Ameghino 1887 placental
MLP 86-V-6-26 isolated right lower p2.
 Cingulata - Dasypodidae
cf. Utaetus sp.9 Ameghino 1902 armadillo
? Astegotheriini indet.7 Ameghino 1906 armadillo
MLP 86-V-6-24, MLP 86-V-6-25, MLP 88-V-10-11, MLP 88-V-10-12, MLP 88-V-10-16, MLP 88-V-10-18, MLP 88-V-10-19 to 49, osteoderms
Parastegosimpsonia cf. peruana2 Ciancio et al. 2012 armadillo
PVL 6409 and 6569 and MLP 88-V-10-19A
? Prostegotherium sp.2 Ameghino 1902 armadillo
MHAS 024 and PVL 6567
Prostegotherium sp.9 Ameghino 1902 armadillo
Prostegotherium notostylopianum9 Ameghino 1902 armadillo
PVL 6402, PVL 6407, PVL 6409, isolated movable scutes
Punatherium catamarcensis n. gen. n. sp.2 Ciancio et al. 2016 armadillo
MLP 93-VI-1-18 - holotype; paratype: MLP 86-V-6-24
Astegotherium sp.9 Ameghino 1902 armadillo
PVL 6412, fragment of movable osteoderm.
Parutaetus punaensis2 Ciancio et al. 2016 armadillo
MHAS 017–020, 029, PVL 6416, 6575, 6403, 6413–6415, 6407, 6417, 6568, MLP 86-V-6-24, 86-V-6-25, 93-IV-1-17, 93-IV-1-18
Pucatherium parvum2 Herrera et al. 2012 armadillo
MHAS 068– 072, PVL 6424, 6400, 6401, MLP 86-V-6-24, 86-V-6-25, 88-V-10-19, and 93-IV-1-17
 Panameriungulata - Didolodontidae
cf. Ernestokokenia sp.7 Ameghino 1901 placental
MLP 86-V-6-2, isolated left lower molar (m1 or m2).
 Placentalia -
 Squamata - Boidae
Boidae indet.7 Gray 1825 boa
MLP 93-VI-1-5, vertebral fragment
 Testudines -
"Chelonii indet." = Testudines7
"Chelonii indet." = Testudines7 Batsch 1788 turtle
uncatalogued carapace and plastron fragments
 Loricata - Sebecidae
Sebecidae indet.7 Savage 1951 crocodilian
MLP 86-V-6-13, 93-VI-1-1/4, teeth