†family Isotemnidae Ameghino 1897 (notoungulate)

Mammalia - Notoungulata - Isotemnidae

Full reference: F. Ameghino. 1897. Mammiféres crétacés de l’Argentine (Deuxième contribution à la connaissance de la fauna mammalogique de couches à Pyrotherium) [Cretaceous mammals of Argentina (second contribution to the knowledge of the mammalian fauna of the Pyrotherium Beds)]. Boletin Instituto Geografico Argentino 18(4–9):406-521

Parent taxon: Toxodonta according to M. G. Vucetich and M. Bond 1982

See also Ameghino 1897, Gregory 1910, McKenna 1956, Simpson 1934, Simpson 1935, Simpson 1967 and Simpson 1970

Sister taxa: Atryptheridae, Eutoxodontia, Haplodontheriidae, Homalodotheriidae, Lithops praevius, Nesotherium, Noaditherium, Notohippidae, Pachyrucidae, Periphragnis, Protoxodontidae, Rhadinotherium limitatum, Tembotheridae, Xotodontidae

Subtaxa: Acoelohyrax Anisotemnus Calodontotherium Coelostylodon Colhuapia Colhuapia rosei Colhuelia Distylophorus Eurystephanodon crassatus Interhippus deflexus Isotemnus Lafkenia Lafkenia schmidti Lafkenia sulcifera Lophocoelus Pampatemnus Pehuenia magna Pelurocoelodon Pleurocoelodon Pleurostylodon Rhyphodon Thomashuxleya Thomashuxleya principialis Trigonolophodon modicus Trimerostephanos

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Ecology: scansorial herbivore


• Deseadan of Argentina (2 collections)

• Oligocene of Argentina (2), Chile (1)

• Tinguirirican of Argentina (1)

• Eocene to Oligocene of Argentina (1)

• Eocene of Argentina (49)

• Paleocene to Eocene of Argentina (1)

• Paleocene of Argentina (5)

Total: 62 collections including 150 occurrences

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