Family Boidae Gray 1825 (boa)

Reptilia - Squamata - Boidae

Alternative spelling: Boaeidae

Parent taxon: Booidea according to A. M. Albino and A. A. Carlini 2008

See also Andrews 1906, Augé and Rage 2006, Carroll 1988, Cope 1871, Cope 1875, Estes and Berberian 1970, Frank and Ramus 1996, Gadow 1898, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Holman and Case 1988, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, McGrew et al. 1959, Perrier 1928, Rage 1984, Rage et al. 2008, Scanlon and Lee 2000, Smith 2013, Szyndlar 1987, Vidal and Hedges 2002 and Zittel 1890

Sister taxa: Archaeophidae, Boavus, Conantophis, Eoanilius, Eoconstrictor, Hibernophis, Michauxophis, Rageryx, Ungaliophiidae

Subtaxa: Anilioides Boinae Cadurcoboa Candoia Chilabothrus Dawsonophis Erycinae Eunectes Hechtophis Lithophis Messelophis Neurodromicus Paraplatyspondylia Python Rageophis Rieppelophis Totlandophis Tropidophis Ungaliophiinae

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Ecology: carnivore


• Quaternary of Antigua and Barbuda (2 collections), Argentina (2), the Bahamas (7), Bolivia (1), Brazil (1), Cayman Islands (2), China (1), Cuba (1), the Dominican Republic (1), Eritrea (2), Ethiopia (1), Fiji (1), Greece (2), Guadeloupe (3), Israel (2), Madagascar (1), Niger (2), Palau (3), Sudan (2), Tanzania (5), Thailand (1), United States (3: California, Florida), Venezuela (2)

• Blancan of United States (1: Washington)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Venezuela (2)

• Pliocene of Argentina (1), Armenia (1), Ethiopia (1), France (1), Greece (1), Hungary (1), Italy (1), Kenya (1), Moldova (1), Myanmar (1), the Russian Federation (1), Tanzania (2), Turkey (1), Uganda (1), Ukraine (2), Venezuela (1)

• Hemphillian of United States (3: Nebraska, Tennessee, Texas)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Chad (1), Uganda (3)

• Miocene of Argentina (4), Austria (1), Brazil (2), Canada (1: Saskatchewan), Chad (1), China (1), Colombia (5), the Czech Republic (5), France (8), Germany (9), Greece (2), Hungary (1), India (3), Iraq (1), Italy (4), Kazakhstan (3), Mongolia (1), Morocco (1), Namibia (6), Pakistan (1), Portugal (1), Puerto Rico (1), the Russian Federation (1), Saudi Arabia (4), Spain (13), Thailand (1), Turkey (2), Ukraine (6), United States (26: Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming), Venezuela (2)

• Harrisonian of United States (3: Nebraska)

• Oligocene to Miocene of Turkey (1)

• Oligocene of France (12), Germany (6), India (1), Mongolia (1), Tanzania (1), United States (14: Colorado, Florida, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming)

• Eocene to Miocene of France (1)

• Eocene of Argentina (6), Canada (2: Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan), France (28), Germany (3), India (3), Kyrgyzstan (1), Mexico (1), Pakistan (1), Portugal (1), Switzerland (3), Thailand (2), the United Kingdom (5), United States (19: Alabama, California, Georgia, New Mexico, North Dakota, Wyoming), Uzbekistan (1)

• Paleocene to Eocene of Brazil (1)

• Paleocene of Bolivia (3), Colombia (1), France (1), Germany (1), Morocco (1), Togo (1)

• Cretaceous of Argentina (1), France (1), India (1), Madagascar (1), United States (2: Montana, Wyoming)

Total: 324 collections including 469 occurrences

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