Pampahippus Bond and López 1993 (notoungulate)

Mammalia - Notoungulata - Notohippidae

Full reference: M. Bond and G. M. López. 1993. El primer Notohippidae (Mammalia, Notoungulata) de la Formación Lumbrera (Grupo Salta) del noroeste Argentino. Consideraciones sobre la sistematica de la familia Notohippidae. Ameghiniana 30(1):59-68

Parent taxon: Notohippidae according to V. Deraco and D. A. GarcÍa-López 2016

See also Bond and López 1993

Sister taxa: Coresodon, Eurygeniops normalis, Interhippus, Nesohippus, Perhippidion, Pseudhippus, Puelia, Rhynchippus, Stilhippus

Subtaxa: Pampahippus arenalesi Pampahippus powelli Pampahippus secundus

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Type: Pampahippus arenalesi

Ecology: scansorial herbivore


• Eocene of Argentina (9 collections)

Total: 9 collections including 10 occurrences

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