†family Rhomboporidae Simpson 1895 (bryozoan)

Stenolaemata - Rhabdomesida - Rhomboporidae

Parent taxon: Rhabdomesida according to E. H. Gilmour and E. M. Snyder 2000

See also Ariunchimeg 1996 and Bassler 1953

Sister taxa: Hyphasmoporidina, Maychellidae, Nikiforovellidae, Rhabdomesidae

Subtaxa: Isostylus Klaucena Lenapora Lunostoma Megacanthoporina Pamirella Pictatella Primorella Rhombopora Saffordotaxis

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Type: Rhombopora

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Afghanistan (1 collection), Australia (9), Austria (2), Bolivia (15), Canada (4: Nunavut), China (15), India (1), Indonesia (1), Iran (9), Italy (1), Japan (1), Mongolia (2), Nepal (2), Oman (11), Pakistan (1), Peru (9), the Russian Federation (31), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (7), Tajikistan (5), Thailand (2), the United Arab Emirates (2), United States (100: Alaska, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington)

• Carboniferous of Australia (2), Bolivia (2), Canada (6: Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia), China (1), France (1), Ireland (4), Japan (1), Mongolia (3), Peru (3), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (12), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), the United Kingdom (8), United States (232: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia)

• Devonian of Belarus (1), Belgium (1), Canada (23: Alberta), China (2), France (2), Germany (3), Iran (1), Morocco (5), the Russian Federation (2), Spain (7), United States (16: Montana, New York, Virginia)

• Silurian of Sweden (1), the United Kingdom (2)

• Ordovician of Estonia (1)

Total: 575 collections including 634 occurrences

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