†family Nikiforovellidae Gorjunova 1975 (bryozoan)

Stenolaemata - Rhabdomesida - Nikiforovellidae

Full reference: R. V. Gorjunova. 1975. Permian Bryozoans of the Pamirs. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta 148:1-127

Parent taxon: Rhabdomesida according to E. H. Gilmour and E. M. Snyder 2000

Sister taxa: Hyphasmoporidina, Maychellidae, Rhabdomesidae, Rhomboporidae

Subtaxa: Clausotrypa Mediapora Nikiforovella Pinegopora Robinella Streblotrypella Tebitopora

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Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Triassic of China (3 collections), India (1), New Zealand (1)

• Permian of Australia (1), Canada (5: British Columbia, Nunavut), Chile (3), China (3), Indonesia (1), Iran (2), Japan (1), Malaysia (1), Mongolia (1), Oman (2), the Russian Federation (18), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (4), Tajikistan (2), Thailand (3), United States (1: Washington)

• Carboniferous of France (1), Germany (1), Japan (1), Mongolia (2), Spain (13), the United Kingdom (2), United States (6: Indiana, New Mexico)

• Devonian of Germany (8), the Russian Federation (1)

Total: 88 collections including 105 occurrences

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