Foraminifera - Endothyroidea - Endothyridae
Parent taxon: Endothyroidea according to F. Kobayashi 2012
See also Loeblich and Tappan 1984 and Rozovskaya 1961
Sister taxa: Bradyinidae, Endotebidae, Loeblichiidae
Subtaxa: Endostaffella Endothyranella Endothyrinae Eoendothyranopsis Globoendothyra Granuliferella Iriclinella Neoendothyra Nibelia Omphalotis Orobias Planoendothyra Pojarkovella Priscella Quasiendothyra Spireitlina Zellerina
Type: Endothyrinae
Ecology: stationary semi-infaunal omnivore
• Triassic of Australia (2 collections), Austria (6), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Canada (1: British Columbia), China (1), Hungary (3), Italy (12), Malaysia (1), Papua New Guinea (1), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Slovakia (2), Slovenia (2), Spain (2), Thailand (1), Tunisia (1), Turkey (4), United States (4: Alaska, Nevada, Oregon)
• Permian of Armenia (14), Australia (1), Azerbaijan (26), China (18), Greece (2), India (1), Indonesia (1), Iran (14), Italy (3), Japan (22), Malaysia (1), Mongolia (1), the Russian Federation (1), Slovenia (1), Tajikistan (6), Thailand (1), Turkey (5), Ukraine (1), United States (1: Texas)
• Carboniferous to Devonian of Uzbekistan (1)
• Carboniferous to Permian of Italy (6)
• Carboniferous of Algeria (1), Belgium (2), Canada (6: Alberta, Nunavut), China (3), Egypt (1), France (4), Greenland (1), Ireland (10), Mexico (1), Morocco (3), Norway (4), the Russian Federation (18), Spain (3), Thailand (6), Turkey (2), Ukraine (1), the United Kingdom (67), United States (132: Alabama, Alaska, California, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wyoming), Uzbekistan (1)
• Devonian of Belgium (1), China (2), Germany (1), Poland (2), the Russian Federation (1), Uzbekistan (1), Vietnam (2)
Total: 448 collections including 725 occurrences