†family Bradyinidae Reytlinger 1950 (foram)

Foraminifera - Endothyroidea - Bradyinidae

Parent taxon: Endothyracea according to A. R. Loeblich and H. Tappan 1984

Sister taxa: Endotebidae, Endothyridae, Loeblichiidae

Subtaxa: Bradyina Postendothyra

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Ecology: stationary semi-infaunal omnivore


• Permian of Armenia (1 collection), Azerbaijan (3), China (18), Greece (1), Italy (1), Japan (8), Norway (1), Turkey (1)

• Carboniferous of Canada (2: Nunavut), China (4), France (2), Italy (1), Morocco (1), Norway (3), the Russian Federation (9), Spain (5), Thailand (6), Turkey (5), Ukraine (4), the United Kingdom (1), United States (49: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming)

Total: 126 collections including 135 occurrences

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