Mammalia - Primates - Eosimiidae
Full reference: K. C. Beard, T. Qi, M. R. Dawson, B. Wang, and C. Li. 1994. A diverse new primate fauna from middle Eocene fissure-fillings in southeastern China. Nature 368:604-609
Parent taxon: Anthropoidea according to L. Marivaux et al. 2005
See also Bajpai et al. 2008, Beard et al. 1994, Beard et al. 1996, Beard and Wang 2004, Gunnell and Miller 2001, Jaeger et al. 1999 and Kay et al. 2004
Sister taxa: Afrotarsiidae, Amamria, Amphipithecidae, Arctopithecini, Aseanpithecus, Catarrhini, Neopithecini, Oligopithecidae, Paleopithecini, Parapithecoidea, Perupithecus, Platyrrhini, Proteopithecidae, Protoanthropoidea, Notnamaia, Aotidae
Subtaxa: Ashaninkacebus Bahinia Eosimias Phenacopithecus Phileosimias Sungulusimias
Ecology: arboreal omnivore