†family Amphipithecidae Godinot 1994 (monkey)

Mammalia - Primates - Amphipithecidae

Alternative spelling: Amphipithecinae

Parent taxon: Anthropoidea according to L. Marivaux et al. 2005

See also Ducrocq et al. 2006, Jaeger et al. 2004 and Kay et al. 2004

Sister taxa: Afrotarsiidae, Amamria, Arctopithecini, Aseanpithecus, Catarrhini, Eosimiidae, Neopithecini, Oligopithecidae, Paleopithecini, Parapithecoidea, Perupithecus, Platyrrhini, Proteopithecidae, Protoanthropoidea, Notnamaia, Aotidae

Subtaxa: Bugtipithecus Ganlea Krabia Myanmarpithecus Pondaungia Siamopithecinae

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Ecology: arboreal omnivore


• Oligocene of Pakistan (1 collection)

• Eocene of Myanmar (10), Thailand (4)

Total: 15 collections including 19 occurrences

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