Mammalia - Rodentia - Echimyidae
Alternative spelling: Echymyidae
Parent taxon: Octodontoidea according to N. S. Upham and B. D. Patterson 2015
See also Bonaparte 1850, Carroll 1988, Huchon and Douzery 2001, Kramarz et al. 2010, Lavocat 1976, Nowak 1991, Nowak 1999, Patterson and Wood 1982, Sostillo et al. 2014, Wood 1958 and Wood and Patterson 1959
Sister taxa: Abrocomidae, Acarechimys, Acaremyidae, Adelphomys, Capromyidae, Caviocricetus, Changquin, Chasichimys, Ctenomyidae, Deseadomys, Draconomys, Dudumus, Eodelphomys, Eoespina, Eosachacui, Eosallamys, Ethelomys, Kannabateomys, Lapazomys, Leucokephalos, Llitun, Loretomys, Marisela, Mayomys, Migraveramus, Myocastoridae, Neophanomys, Octodontidae, Paulacoutomys, Plesiacarechimys, Proechimys, Prospaniomys, Protacaremys, Protadelphomys, Sallamys, Selvamys, Spaniomys, Stichomys, Vallehermosomys, Xylechimys
Subtaxa: Adelphomyinae Carterodon Chaetomyinae Clyomys Dactylomyinae Dactylomys Dicolpomys Diplomys Echimyinae Eumysopinae Eumysops Euryzygomatomys Gaimanomys Haplostropha Heteropsomyinae Hexolobodon Hoplomys Isolobodon Isothrix Lonchothrix Maruchito Mesomys Myocastor Pampamys Paradelphomys Proatherura Quebradahondomys Reigechimys Rhizoplagiodontia Theridomysops Thrichomys Trinomys
Type: Echimyinae
Ecology: scansorial herbivore
• Quaternary of Argentina (16 collections), Bolivia (5), Brazil (31), Chile (2), Cuba (3), the Dominican Republic (6), Haiti (2), Panama (1), Peru (2), Puerto Rico (1), Uruguay (3), Venezuela (2)
• Uquian of Argentina (6)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Argentina (2)
• Pliocene of Argentina (51)
• Huayquerian of Argentina (15)
• Miocene to Pliocene of Argentina (1)
• Miocene of Argentina (17), Bolivia (1), Brazil (3), Chile (5), Colombia (4), Peru (1)
• Oligocene of Peru (4)
• Eocene to Oligocene of China (1)
• Eocene of Mongolia (1)
Total: 186 collections including 282 occurrences