Deseadomys Wood and Patterson 1959 (caviomorph)

Mammalia - Rodentia

Full reference: A. E. Wood and B. Patterson. 1959. The rodents of the Deseadan Oligocene of Patagonia and the beginnings of South American rodent evolution. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 120:279-428

Parent taxon: Octodontoidea according to M. Arnal and M. G. Vucetich 2015

See also McKenna and Bell 1997, Patterson and Pascual 1968, Verzi et al. 2014 and Wood and Patterson 1959

Sister taxa: Abrocomidae, Acarechimys, Acaremyidae, Adelphomys, Capromyidae, Caviocricetus, Changquin, Chasichimys, Ctenomyidae, Draconomys, Dudumus, Echimyidae, Eodelphomys, Eoespina, Eosachacui, Eosallamys, Ethelomys, Kannabateomys, Lapazomys, Leucokephalos, Llitun, Loretomys, Marisela, Mayomys, Migraveramus, Myocastoridae, Neophanomys, Octodontidae, Paulacoutomys, Plesiacarechimys, Proechimys, Prospaniomys, Protacaremys, Protadelphomys, Sallamys, Selvamys, Spaniomys, Stichomys, Vallehermosomys, Xylechimys

Subtaxa: Deseadomys arambourgi Deseadomys loomisi

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Type: Deseadomys arambourgi

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore


• Deseadan of Argentina (2 collections)

• Oligocene of Peru (1)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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