Mammalia - Rodentia - Gliridae
Parent taxon: Gliroidea according to I. Bonilla-Salomón et al. 2016
See also Becker et al. 2010, Carroll 1988, Montgelard et al. 2002, Vianey-Liaud et al. 2014 and Wood 1958
Sister taxon: Seleviniidae
Subtaxa: Armantomys Bransatoglirinae Dryomyinae Gliravinae Glirinae Glirurus Graphiurops Graphiurus Leithia Leithiinae Mioglis Myomiminae Myomimus Paraglirulus Paraglis Peridyromys Plesiodyromys Praearmantomys Schizogliravus Stertomys Suevoglis Tenuiglis
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Quaternary of Austria (1 collection), Belgium (1), Cote D'Ivoire (1), the Czech Republic (2), France (13), Germany (8), Greece (16), Hungary (9), Israel (6), Italy (19), Japan (1), Kenya (1), Malta (1), Monaco (1), Morocco (3), the Netherlands (1), Poland (2), Portugal (1), Romania (9), South Africa (2), Spain (26), Tunisia (1), Turkey (2), Zambia (1)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of France (1), Italy (4), South Africa (2), Spain (2)
• Pliocene of China (2), France (5), Germany (3), Greece (12), Hungary (4), Italy (5), Moldova (1), Poland (5), South Africa (3), Spain (21), Turkey (2)
• MN 13 of Greece (1), Portugal (1), Spain (1)
• Miocene to Pliocene of Greece (2), South Africa (1), Spain (1)
• Miocene of Algeria (1), Austria (4), China (4), France (32), Germany (25), Greece (17), Hungary (2), Italy (14), Morocco (2), Pakistan (2), Poland (4), Portugal (5), Romania (2), the Russian Federation (1), Serbia and Montenegro (5), Slovakia (2), Spain (67), Switzerland (57), Turkey (11)
• Oligocene to Miocene of Germany (1), Turkey (1)
• Oligocene of Belgium (1), Bosnia and Herzegovina (3), China (5), the Czech Republic (1), France (30), Germany (9), Greece (1), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Spain (28), Switzerland (4), Turkey (10)
• Eocene of France (15), Spain (29), the United Kingdom (19)
Total: 622 collections including 1277 occurrences