Subfamily Dryomyinae de Bruijn 1967 (dormouse)

Mammalia - Rodentia - Gliridae

Parent taxon: Gliridae according to K. Vasileiadou and G. D. Koufos 2005

See also Daams 1989

Sister taxa: Armantomys, Bransatoglirinae, Gliravinae, Glirinae, Glirurus, Graphiurops, Graphiurus, Leithia, Leithiinae, Mioglis, Myomiminae, Myomimus, Paraglirulus, Paraglis, Peridyromys, Plesiodyromys, Praearmantomys, Schizogliravus, Stertomys, Suevoglis, Tenuiglis

Subtaxa: Chaetocauda Dryomys Eivissia Eliomys Gliruloides Hypnomys Maltamys Microdyromys Tyrrhenoglis

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Type: Dryomys

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore


• Quaternary of Belgium (1 collection), the Czech Republic (1), France (12), Germany (6), Greece (6), Hungary (1), Italy (3), Morocco (3), Portugal (1), Romania (4), Spain (26), Tunisia (1), Turkey (2)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of France (1), Italy (3), Spain (2)

• Pliocene of France (4), Germany (1), Greece (2), Italy (4), Spain (19)

• MN 13 of Greece (1), Portugal (1), Spain (1)

• Miocene of Algeria (1), Austria (2), China (4), France (21), Germany (17), Greece (4), Hungary (1), Italy (7), Morocco (2), Poland (2), Portugal (2), the Russian Federation (1), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Slovakia (1), Spain (26), Switzerland (24), Turkey (3)

• Oligocene to Miocene of Germany (1), Turkey (1)

• Oligocene of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), China (4), France (9), Germany (5), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Spain (2), Switzerland (1), Turkey (1)

Total: 251 collections including 274 occurrences

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