Sowerbyella billabongensis Percival 1991 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Sowerbyellidae

Full reference: I. Percival. 1991. Late Ordovician articulate brachiopods from central New South Wales, Australia. Memoir of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 11:107-177

Belongs to Sowerbyella according to I. Percival 1991

Sister taxa: Sowerbyella (Eochonetes), Sowerbyella (Rugosowerbyella), Sowerbyella (Sowerbyella), Sowerbyella (Viruella), Sowerbyella anticipata, Sowerbyella curdsvillensis, Sowerbyella eha, Sowerbyella gigantea, Sowerbyella grierensis, Sowerbyella kayi, Sowerbyella lebanonensis, Sowerbyella lepta, Sowerbyella merriami, Sowerbyella minnesotensis, Sowerbyella monilifera, Sowerbyella multipartita, Sowerbyella perplexa, Sowerbyella raegaverensis, Sowerbyella rugosa, Sowerbyella saunjaensis, Sowerbyella silicica, Sowerbyella sladensis, Sowerbyella socialis, Sowerbyella soudleyensis, Sowerbyella subovalis, Sowerbyella thraivensis, Sowerbyella trabeata

Type specimen: Its type locality is L144. Billabong Creek, outcrop along Forbes-Brogan Gate Road, which is in an Eastonian shallow subtidal limestone in the Billabong Creek Limestone Formation of Australia.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at L144. Billabong Creek, outcrop along Forbes-Brogan Gate Road

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