Sowerbyella sladensis Jones 1928 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Sowerbyellidae

Full reference: O. T. Jones. 1928. Plectambonites and some allied genera. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, Palaeontology 1:367-527

Belongs to Sowerbyella according to L. R. M. Cocks 2014

See also Jones 1928

Sister taxa: Sowerbyella (Eochonetes), Sowerbyella (Rugosowerbyella), Sowerbyella (Sowerbyella), Sowerbyella (Viruella), Sowerbyella anticipata, Sowerbyella billabongensis, Sowerbyella curdsvillensis, Sowerbyella eha, Sowerbyella gigantea, Sowerbyella grierensis, Sowerbyella kayi, Sowerbyella lebanonensis, Sowerbyella lepta, Sowerbyella merriami, Sowerbyella minnesotensis, Sowerbyella monilifera, Sowerbyella multipartita, Sowerbyella perplexa, Sowerbyella raegaverensis, Sowerbyella rugosa, Sowerbyella saunjaensis, Sowerbyella silicica, Sowerbyella socialis, Sowerbyella soudleyensis, Sowerbyella subovalis, Sowerbyella thraivensis, Sowerbyella trabeata

Type specimen: GSM 10319, a valve (dorsal valve external mould). Its type locality is Llan Mill, between Narberth & Whitland, which is in a Rawtheyan marine mudstone in the Slade and Redhill Mudstone Formation of the United Kingdom.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Ordovician of the United Kingdom (16 collections)

Total: 16 collections each including a single occurrence

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