Sowerbyella (Rugosowerbyella) Mitchell 1977 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Sowerbyellidae

Alternative spelling: Rugosowerbyella

Full reference: W. I. Mitchell. 1977. The Ordovician Brachiopoda from Pomeroy, Co. Tyrone. The Palaeontographical Society Monographs 130(545):1-138

Parent taxon: Sowerbyella according to A. Williams et al. 2000

See also Sepkoski 2002

Sister taxa: Sowerbyella (Eochonetes), Sowerbyella (Sowerbyella), Sowerbyella (Viruella), Sowerbyella anticipata, Sowerbyella billabongensis, Sowerbyella curdsvillensis, Sowerbyella eha, Sowerbyella gigantea, Sowerbyella grierensis, Sowerbyella kayi, Sowerbyella lebanonensis, Sowerbyella lepta, Sowerbyella merriami, Sowerbyella minnesotensis, Sowerbyella monilifera, Sowerbyella multipartita, Sowerbyella perplexa, Sowerbyella raegaverensis, Sowerbyella rugosa, Sowerbyella saunjaensis, Sowerbyella silicica, Sowerbyella sladensis, Sowerbyella socialis, Sowerbyella soudleyensis, Sowerbyella subovalis, Sowerbyella thraivensis, Sowerbyella trabeata

Subtaxa: Rugosowerbyella ambigua Sowerbyella (Rugosowerbyella) ambigua Sowerbyella (Rugosowerbyella) bellarugosa Sowerbyella (Rugosowerbyella) dianbianensis Sowerbyella (Rugosowerbyella) praecursor Sowerbyella (Rugosowerbyella) subcorrugatella

View classification

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Whiterockian of United States (2: Nevada collections)

• Ordovician of Belgium (1), China (2), Kazakhstan (1), the Russian Federation (3), Sweden (1), the United Kingdom (6), United States (1: Alaska)

Total: 17 collections each including a single occurrence

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