Cephalopoda - Ammonoida - Pronoritidae
Parent taxon: Medlicottioidea according to Z. R. Zhou 2017
See also Furnish et al. 2009, Korn 2006, Korn and Sudar 2016, Leonova 1989, Leonova 2002 and Titus 2000
Sister taxa: Darvasiceratidae, Medlicottiidae, Shikhanitidae, Sundaitidae
Subtaxa: Neopronoritinae Pronoritinae Uralopronorites
Type: Pronorites
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
• Permian of Canada (3: Nunavut collections), China (11), East Timor (2), Indonesia (3), Italy (2), Japan (2), Kazakhstan (15), Malaysia (1), Oman (4), the Russian Federation (41), Tajikistan (48), Thailand (2), United States (5: Texas)
• Chokierian of Kazakhstan (1)
• Carboniferous of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Canada (25: Nunavut), Kazakhstan (38), Morocco (3), the Russian Federation (58), Serbia and Montenegro (4), Tajikistan (2), United States (48: Arkansas, California, Oklahoma, Texas), Uzbekistan (7)
Total: 326 collections including 383 occurrences