†family Metalegoceratidae Plummer and Scott 1937 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonoida - Metalegoceratidae

Synonyms: Pericycloceratidae Zhao and Zheng 1977, Pericycloceratinae Zhao and Zheng 1977

Full reference: F. B. Plummer and G. Scott. 1937. Upper Paleozoic ammonites in Texas. The University of Texas Bulletin 3701:1-516

Parent taxon: Neoicoceratoidea according to Z. R. Zhou 2017

See also Furnish et al. 2009, Korn 2006, Leonova 1989 and Leonova 2002

Sister taxa: Anuitidae, Aulacogastrioceratidae, Eupleuroceratidae, Neoicoceratidae, Paragastrioceratidae, Pseudogastrioceratidae, Spirolegoceratidae

Subtaxa: Clinolobinae Eothinitinae Metalegoceratinae

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Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore


• Permian of Australia (13 collections), Canada (2: Nunavut, Yukon), China (11), East Timor (2), Indonesia (7), Italy (2), Kazakhstan (13), Malaysia (1), Oman (1), the Russian Federation (16), Tajikistan (50), United States (23: New Mexico, Texas)

Total: 141 collections including 211 occurrences

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