†order Pantotheria Marsh 1880 (mammal)
Full reference: O. C. Marsh. 1880. Notice of new Jurassic mammals representing two new orders. The American Journal of Science and Arts, series 3 20(28):235-239
Parent taxon: Theria according to F. v. Huene 1940
See also Bonaparte 1990, Clemens 1963, Cope 1889, Dashzeveg 1994, Hay 1930, Marsh 1880, Olson 1966, Simpson 1928 and Simpson 1929
Sister taxa: Eutheria, Metatheria, Paratheria, Tribotheria
Subtaxa: Amblytheriidae Dicrocynodontidae Eupantotheria
Ecology: scansorial insectivore
• Paleocene of France (1 collection)
• Cretaceous of Spain (1), the United Kingdom (1)
• Jurassic of Tanzania (1), the United Kingdom (4), United States (2: Wyoming)
• Triassic of Germany (1)
Total: 11 collections including 14 occurrences