Family Asterodiscididae Rowe 1977 (sea star)

Asteroidea - Valvatida - Asterodiscididae

Full reference: F.W.E. Rowe. 1977. A new family of Asteroidea (Echinodermata) with the description of five new species and one new subspecies of Asterodiscides. Records of the Western Australian Museum 31(5):187-233

Parent taxon: Valvatida according to D. B. Blake 1989

See also Blake and Portell 2011, Mah and Blake 2012 and Rowe 1977

Sister taxa: Acanthasteridae, Archasteridae, Asteriaceros, Asterinidae, Asteropseidae, Chaetasteridae, Ganeriidae, Geinitzaster, Goniasteridae, Goniasteroidea, Granulosina, Leptaster, Mithrodiidae, Odontasteridae, Ophidiasteridae, Oreasteridae, Poraniidae, Pycinasteridae, Sphaerasteridae, Stauranderasteridae, Tumulosina

Subtaxa: Kionaster

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Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal carnivore

Distribution: found only at TU 547 - Fourmile Creek (Miocene of Florida)

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