Family Zeilleriidae Allan 1940 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Zeilleriidae

Alternative spelling: Zeilleridae

Parent taxon: Zeillerioidea according to C. C. Emig et al. 2013

See also Dagys 1977, Feldman et al. 2001, Perry and Chatterton 1979, Williams et al. 2006 and Zezina 2010

Sister taxa: Eudesiidae, Gusarellidae

Subtaxa: Aulacothyrinae Bakonithyris Macandreviinae Misunithyris Neozeilleria Polyplectella Securininae Vectellinae Zeilleriinae

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Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Quaternary of France (1 collection), Italy (2)

• Pliocene of Belgium (3), the Netherlands (1), the United Kingdom (3)

• Miocene of Japan (3), Spain (1)

• Eocene of Antarctica (2)

• Cretaceous of Bulgaria (1), Canada (1: Northwest Territories), France (10), Germany (5), Greenland (2), Indonesia (2), Mexico (3), Portugal (3), the Russian Federation (2), Ukraine (2), the United Kingdom (24)

• Jurassic of Algeria (5), Argentina (2), Austria (39), Bulgaria (16), Canada (2: British Columbia), Egypt (3), Eritrea (3), Ethiopia (6), France (223), Germany (16), Gibraltar (1), Greece (3), Greenland (5), Hungary (87), India (1), Iran (1), Israel (4), Italy (22), Morocco (16), New Caledonia (1), New Zealand (50), Poland (5), Portugal (82), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (5), Saudi Arabia (33), Serbia and Montenegro (3), Slovakia (4), Somalia (8), Spain (167), Switzerland (11), Tunisia (6), Turkey (4), Ukraine (16), the United Kingdom (45), United States (2: California), Uzbekistan (1), Yemen (10)

• Triassic to Jurassic of New Caledonia (1), New Zealand (2)

• Triassic of Austria (60), Bosnia and Herzegovina (9), Canada (8: British Columbia), China (59), Germany (3), Hungary (20), Indonesia (7), Israel (1), Italy (12), Laos (2), New Caledonia (3), New Zealand (18), Papua New Guinea (2), Poland (6), Romania (3), the Russian Federation (54), Serbia and Montenegro (7), Slovakia (13), Slovenia (1), Spain (3), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), Tajikistan (2), Turkey (1), Ukraine (1), United States (20: Idaho, Nevada, Utah), Vietnam (1)

• Carboniferous of the United Kingdom (1)

Total: 1301 collections including 1958 occurrences

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