Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Axosmiliidae
Parent taxon: Pachythecaliina according to D. K. Pandey and F. T. Fürsich 2003
See also Baron-Szabo 2002 and Turnsek 1997
Sister taxa: Amphiastreidae, Atelophyllia, Gablonzeriidae, Pachycoeniidae, Volzeiidae, Volzeioidea, Zardinophyllidae
Subtaxa: Axosmilia Axosmiliopsis Columnaphyllia Pleurosmilia
Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal microcarnivore
• Cretaceous of Bulgaria (5 collections), China (5), Greece (1), Japan (1), Poland (1), Serbia and Montenegro (2), Spain (4), Switzerland (3), United States (9: Texas)
• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Japan (1)
• Jurassic of China (2), Croatia (1), the Czech Republic (4), France (5), Germany (5), India (1), Iran (6), Jordan (1), Poland (1), Portugal (31), the Russian Federation (1), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Slovenia (2), Spain (1), Switzerland (2), the United Kingdom (2)
Total: 98 collections including 156 occurrences