Bivalvia - Pholadida - Ceratomyidae
Parent taxon: Pleuromyoidea according to J. G. Carter et al. 2011
See also Aberhan 2004, Bouchet et al. 2010, Nevesskaja 2009, Newell 1965, Ros-Franch et al. 2014, Scholz et al. 2008 and Vokes 1980
Sister taxon: Pleuromyidae
Subtaxa: Ceratomya Ceratomyinae Ceromyella Gresslya Makoiamya Myopholadinae Ochotomya Pholadomyocardia Pteromya
Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal suspension feeder
• Cretaceous of Chile (1 collection), Germany (1), Japan (1), Laos (1), the United Kingdom (2)
• Jurassic of Afghanistan (1), Argentina (2), Bulgaria (3), Canada (6: British Columbia, Yukon), Chile (37), China (12), Egypt (2), Ethiopia (9), France (18), Germany (13), Greenland (36), Hungary (1), India (6), Iran (5), Italy (2), Japan (1), Jordan (14), Kenya (11), Luxembourg (2), Madagascar (15), Mexico (5), Poland (4), Portugal (28), the Russian Federation (2), Saudi Arabia (34), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Somalia (9), Spain (38), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), Switzerland (3), Tanzania (3), Tunisia (42), the United Kingdom (59), United States (4: Nevada, Utah), Vietnam (1), Yemen (11)
• Triassic to Jurassic of France (1), Switzerland (1), the United Kingdom (5)
• Triassic of the Netherlands (2), New Caledonia (8), New Zealand (100), the Russian Federation (27), Spain (6), the United Kingdom (6), United States (1: Nevada)
Total: 604 collections including 700 occurrences