Gastropoda - Sorbeoconcha - Cassidae
Alternative spelling: Cassinae
Synonym: Cassididae Adams and Adams 1853
Parent taxon: Tonnoidea according to P. Bouchet et al. 2017
See also Adegoke 1977, Beesley 1998, Beu 2005, Beu 2008, Beu 2010, Bouchet et al. 2005, Gliozzi and Malatesta 1983, Harris and Palmer 1947, Harzhauser 2002, Harzhauser 2004, Harzhauser and Mandic 2001, Hickman 1980, Martin 1904, Olsson 1931, Ponder and Warén 1988, Squires 1984, Squires 1987, Squires 1988, Squires 1999, Todd 2001, Turner 1938 and Wienrich 2001
Sister taxa: Laubierinidae, Pisanianuridae
Subtaxa: Casmaria Cassinae Ceiba Coalingodea Doliocassis Haydenia Liracassis Oniscidea Oocorythinae Phaliinae Sconsodolium
Ecology: epifaunal carnivore
• Quaternary of Angola (1 collection), Costa Rica (4), Cuba (1), the Dominican Republic (1), Ecuador (3), Egypt (1), Fiji (1), India (1), Ireland (1), Italy (3), Japan (5), Kenya (2), Mexico (3), Morocco (5), Panama (5), Portugal (2), Saudi Arabia (1), South Africa (2), Spain (2), Taiwan (1), United States (12: Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana), Vanuatu (2)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Ecuador (1), Guam (1), Malaysia (3)
• Pliocene of Australia (1), Belgium (4), Chile (3), Costa Rica (13), the Dominican Republic (28), Ecuador (15), Fiji (2), Haiti (3), Holy See (Vatican City State) (1), India (1), Indonesia (3), Italy (2), Jamaica (9), Japan (4), Mexico (2), the Netherlands (1), New Zealand (1), Panama (25), Papua New Guinea (1), Spain (5), the United Kingdom (5), United States (11: California, Florida, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina), Venezuela (11)
• Miocene to Pliocene of the Dominican Republic (15), Indonesia (1)
• Miocene of Algeria (1), Argentina (1), Australia (9), Austria (2), Belgium (8), Brazil (4), Chile (11), Colombia (7), Costa Rica (6), Cuba (1), Denmark (1), the Dominican Republic (100), Ecuador (3), Fiji (3), France (5), Germany (28), Greece (2), Grenada (8), Guam (1), Hungary (1), India (7), Indonesia (4), Iran (1), Italy (12), Jamaica (1), Japan (6), Mexico (2), Myanmar (1), the Netherlands (1), New Zealand (19), Northern Mariana Islands (2), Pakistan (5), Panama (49), Poland (1), Romania (2), Slovakia (1), Somalia (2), South Africa (1), Sri Lanka (2), Trinidad and Tobago (1), Turkey (1), United States (18: Alaska, Florida, Maryland, Oregon, Washington), Venezuela (8)
• Waitakian of New Zealand (1)
• Oligocene to Miocene of Australia (1), Haiti (1), United States (1: Alaska)
• Oligocene of Austria (1), Denmark (5), France (1), Germany (2), Hungary (2), Jamaica (1), Japan (2), Mexico (2), Myanmar (3), the Netherlands (1), New Zealand (1), Pakistan (2), Panama (4), Peru (1), Somalia (4), Trinidad and Tobago (1), United States (63: Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington)
• Eocene of Australia (1), Bulgaria (1), Colombia (6), Croatia (1), Egypt (5), France (7), Germany (1), Haiti (2), India (2), Indonesia (4), Italy (3), Jamaica (1), Mexico (12), Namibia (1), New Zealand (7), Pakistan (3), Panama (1), Peru (5), Romania (4), Somalia (2), Trinidad and Tobago (1), the United Kingdom (13), United States (204: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Washington)
• Paleocene of Antarctica (2), Argentina (2), Denmark (5), Egypt (1), Greenland (1), New Zealand (1), Poland (1), United States (7: Alabama, California, Louisiana, Maryland, Texas, Virginia)
• Cretaceous of Antarctica (8), Germany (1), Poland (1), South Africa (1), United States (3: California, Texas)
Total: 1001 collections including 1388 occurrences