Alternative spelling: Iniana
Synonyms: Stenodelphinidae Miller 1923, Stenodelphininae Miller 1923
Full reference: J. E. Gray. 1846. On the cetaceous animals. The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus and Terror, under the command of Capt. Sir J. C. Ross, R. N., F. R. S., during the years 1839 to 1843 1 & 2:1-53
Parent taxon: Inioidea according to O. Lambert et al. 2018
See also Aguirre-Fernández et al. 2017, Barnes et al. 1985, Benton 1993, Bergqvist et al. 1999, Berta 2017, Bianucci and Landini 2007, Cozzuol 1985, Cozzuol 1988, Cozzuol 2010, de Muizon 1988, Fordyce and Barnes 1994, Fordyce et al. 1995, Fordyce and de Muizon 2001, Fraser and Purves 1960, Geisler et al. 2012, Geisler et al. 2011, Geisler and Sanders 2003, Gill 1872, Gill 1873, Gingerich 2005, Godfrey et al. 2021, Gondar 1966, Gray 1866, Gray 1868, Gray 1871, Gray 1846, Hay 1930, Kasuya 1973, Kellogg 1928, Marx et al. 2016, McKenna and Bell 1997, Mead and Brownell 2005, Miller 1923, Muizon 1984, Pyenson et al. 2015, Rensberger 1969, Rice 1998, Rice 2002, Rice 2009, Scheffer and Rice 1963, Simpson 1945, True 1908, Uhen et al. 2008 and Valerio and Laurito 2012
Sister taxa: Awadelphis, Brujadelphis, Paninia, Pontoporiidae
Subtaxa: Goniodelphis Inia Iniinae Ischyrorhynchus Isoninia Isthminia Kwanzacetus Meherrinia Plicodontinia mourai Pontoplanodidae Saurocetes
Ecology: aquatic carnivore
• Quaternary of Brazil (5 collections)
• Pliocene of Argentina (1), Mexico (1), United States (2: Florida, North Carolina), Venezuela (2)
• Huayquerian of Argentina (1)
• Hemphillian of Costa Rica (1), United States (2: Florida)
• Miocene of Angola (1), Argentina (1), Brazil (3), Colombia (1), Italy (2), Libya (1), Panama (1), United States (1: Florida), Uruguay (1), Venezuela (5)
Total: 32 collections including 42 occurrences