Subfamily Testudininae Gray 1825 (turtle)

Reptilia - Testudines - Testudinidae

Full reference: J. E. Gray. 1825. A synopsis of the genera of Reptilia and Amphibia. Annals of Philosophy, n. s., London 10:193-217

Parent taxon: Testudinidae according to M. Delfino et al. 2024

See also de Broin and de la Fuente 1993, de Lapparent de Broin et al. 2020, Estes and Tihen 1964, Hervet and de Broin 2000, Holman 1985, Kuhn 1966, Perez-Garcia et al. 2022, Perez-Garcia et al. 2021, Pérez-García et al. 2020, Perrier 1928 and Vlachos 2021

Sister taxa: Achilemys, Aldabrachelys, Anhuichelys, Astrochelys, Barnesia, Cachuga, Caryoderma, Cautleya, Chelys patagonica, Cylindraspis, Damonia, Emys sombrerensis, Eochersina, Eochersis, Floridemys, Fontainechelon, Geochelone (Hesperotestudo) equicomes, Geocheloninae, Geochelonini, Gopherinae, Gopherus, Gopherus praecedens, Homopus, Juvemys, Kansuchelys, Malacochersus, Manouria, Megalochelys, Miotestudo, Nicoria, Palaeoemys, Pelorochelon, Platysterninae, Protestudo, Psammobates, Pyxis, Sinohadrianus, Solitudo, Stylemys calaverensis, Testudininei, Testudinites sellovii, Testudo annae, Testudo atascosae, Testudo castrensis, Testudo cultrata, Testudo exornata, Testudo formosa, Testudo francisi, Testudo hayi, Testudo klettiana, Testudo laticaudata, Testudo louisekressmani, Testudo luciae, Testudo ocalana, Testudo paranensis, Testudo peragrans, Testudo quadratus, Testudo semenensis, Testudo undata, Xerobatinae

Subtaxa: Agrionemys Centrochelys Cheirogaster Chersina Ergilemys Geochelona Geochelone Geoemydinei Gigantochersina Impregnochelys Indotestudo Kinixys Mesochersus Namibchersus Paleotestudo Stigmochelys Stylemys Testudinini

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Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore-herbivore


• Quaternary of Anguilla (1 collection), the Bahamas (2), Brazil (2), Bulgaria (1), China (2), the Congo-Kinshasa (2), Croatia (1), Cuba (1), Djibouti (1), Ecuador (5), El Salvador (2), France (8), Georgia (1), Greece (22), Haiti (1), Hungary (1), India (1), Indonesia (3), Israel (5), Italy (9), Kenya (17), Madagascar (2), Malta (2), Mauritius (1), Morocco (4), the Netherlands Antilles (2), Portugal (1), Saudi Arabia (1), South Africa (7), Spain (30), Sudan (4), Tanzania (4), Thailand (2), United States (20: California, Florida, Kansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas)

• Blancan of Mexico (1), United States (3: California, Florida)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of France (1), Greece (2), Indonesia (1), Italy (1), Kenya (4), South Africa (3)

• Pliocene of Chad (3), China (1), France (3), Greece (8), Hungary (3), India (1), Indonesia (5), Italy (2), Japan (1), Kenya (6), Mexico (1), Moldova (2), Mongolia (1), Morocco (5), Pakistan (1), Poland (2), South Africa (3), Spain (5), Tanzania (10), Tunisia (1), Turkey (3), Ukraine (1), United States (1: North Carolina)

• MN 13 of Turkey (1)

• Hemphillian of United States (8: California, Kansas, Nebraska)

• Miocene to Pliocene of France (1), Greece (3), Kenya (2), Morocco (1), South Africa (2)

• Miocene of Afghanistan (1), Austria (7), Bulgaria (5), Canada (4: Saskatchewan), China (13), Colombia (1), the Czech Republic (5), Egypt (1), France (25), Germany (41), Greece (12), Hungary (1), Iraq (1), Italy (7), Kazakhstan (1), Kenya (5), Lebanon (1), Libya (1), Moldova (1), Morocco (1), Namibia (12), Nepal (2), Poland (1), Romania (1), Saudi Arabia (3), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Slovakia (2), South Africa (1), Spain (31), Switzerland (3), Tunisia (1), Turkey (12), Ukraine (3), the United Arab Emirates (5), United States (23: California, Delaware, Florida, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, Texas)

• Harrisonian of United States (2: South Dakota, Texas)

• Deseadan of Argentina (1)

• Arikareean of United States (1: Oregon)

• Oligocene to Miocene of Costa Rica (1), France (1)

• Oligocene of Canada (1: Saskatchewan), China (1), the Czech Republic (1), Egypt (2), France (16), Georgia (1), Germany (3), Japan (1), Kazakhstan (1), Kyrgyzstan (1), Mongolia (1), Oman (1), United States (13: California, Nebraska, Oregon, South Dakota, Wyoming)

• Eocene to Miocene of France (1)

• Eocene to Oligocene of Mexico (1), United States (1: Nebraska)

• Eocene of Austria (1), Belgium (1), Canada (2: Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan), China (3), France (4), Germany (5), Mongolia (3), Portugal (2), United States (8: California, Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota)

• Tertiary of China (1)

Total: 588 collections including 660 occurrences

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