Stylemys Leidy 1851 (turtle)

Reptilia - Testudines - Testudinidae

Full reference: J. Leidy. 1851. [Description of a new fossil tortoise from Nebraska territory]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 5:172-173

Parent taxon: Testudininae according to E. Vlachos and M. Rabi 2018

See also Auffenberg 1964, Auffenberg 1971, Carroll 1988, Case 1936, Cope 1884, Cope 1891, de la Fuente et al. 2014, Galbreath 1953, Hay 1902, Hay 1908, Hay 1930, Hutchison 1992, Hutchison 1996, Joyce et al. 2004, Lambe 1908, Leidy 1858, Leidy 1869, Lydekker 1889, Meylan and Sterrer 2000, Vlachos 2018 and Wall and Maddox 1998

Sister taxa: Agrionemys, Centrochelys, Cheirogaster, Chersina, Ergilemys, Geochelona, Geochelone, Geoemydinei, Gigantochersina, Impregnochelys, Indotestudo, Kinixys, Mesochersus, Namibchersus, Paleotestudo, Stigmochelys, Testudinini

Subtaxa: Stylemys bottii Stylemys capax Stylemys frizaciana Stylemys gisellae Stylemys inusitata Stylemys karakolensis Stylemys nebrascensis Stylemys oregonensis Stylemys pygmea Testudo niobrarensis

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Type: Stylemys nebrascensis

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore-herbivore


• Miocene of France (1 collection), United States (5: Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota)

• Harrisonian of United States (1: South Dakota)

• Arikareean of United States (1: Oregon)

• Oligocene of Kyrgyzstan (1), United States (13: California, Nebraska, Oregon, South Dakota, Wyoming)

• Eocene to Oligocene of Mexico (1), United States (1: Nebraska)

• Eocene of Canada (1: Saskatchewan), United States (6: Colorado, Nebraska)

Total: 31 collections including 38 occurrences

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