Bivalvia - Pholadomyida - Pholadomyidae
Full reference: G. B. Shattuck. 1903. The Mollusca of the Buda limestone, with an appendix on the corals of the Buda limestone, by Thomas Wayland Vaughan. United States Geological Survey Bulletin 205:1-94
Belongs to Homomya according to R. W. Scott and B. W. Claggett 2018
See also Shattuck 1903
Sister taxa: Homomya albertii, Homomya alsatica, Homomya bisinuosa, Homomya budaensis, Homomya caffii, Homomya gallatinensis, Homomya gejiuensis, Homomya gibbosa, Homomya hamatoides, Homomya impressa, Homomya inornata, Homomya kokeni, Homomya lariana, Homomya neuquena, Homomya refugium, Homomya signicollina, Homomya sublariana, Homomya thrasheri, Homomya thrusheri, Homomya ventricosa, Homomya washitae
Type specimen: NMNH PAL 315995. Its type locality is Shoal Creek, Austin, which is in a Cenomanian marine limestone in the Buda Limestone Formation of Texas.
Ecology: facultatively mobile deep infaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Shoal Creek, Austin
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