Homomya gibbosa Sowerby 1814 (clam)

Bivalvia - Pholadomyida - Pholadomyidae

Belongs to Homomya according to Sowerby 1814

Sister taxa: Homomya albertii, Homomya alsatica, Homomya austinensis, Homomya bisinuosa, Homomya budaensis, Homomya caffii, Homomya gallatinensis, Homomya gejiuensis, Homomya hamatoides, Homomya impressa, Homomya inornata, Homomya kokeni, Homomya lariana, Homomya neuquena, Homomya refugium, Homomya signicollina, Homomya sublariana, Homomya thrasheri, Homomya thrusheri, Homomya ventricosa, Homomya washitae

Ecology: facultatively mobile deep infaunal suspension feeder


• Jurassic of France (18 collections), Germany (1), Italy (1), Japan (1), Jordan (1), Portugal (1), Saudi Arabia (39), Tunisia (5), the United Kingdom (1), Yemen (2)

Total: 70 collections each including a single occurrence

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