Morotherium Marsh 1874 (edentate)

Mammalia - Mylodontidae

Full reference: O. C. Marsh. 1874. Notice of new Tertiary mammals. III. American Journal of Science, series 3 7(41):531-534

Parent taxon: Mylodontinae according to O. P. Hay 1930

See also Hay 1902 and Hirschfeld and Webb 1968

Sister taxa: Archaeomylodon, Bolivartherium, Glossotherium, Lestobradys, Lestodon, Megabradys, Mylodonopsis, Mylodontini, Oreomylodon, Paramylodon, Pleurolestodon, Prolestodon, Promylodon, Ranculcus, Simomylodon, Stenodon, Strabosodon, Thinobadistes

Subtaxa: Morotherium leptonyx

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Type: Morotherium gigas

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Morotherium in the database

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