Synonyms: Eumylodon Ameghino 1904, Glossotherium (Pseudolestodon) Gervais and Ameghino 1880, Pseudolestodon Gervais and Ameghino 1880
Parent taxon: Mylodontinae according to L. Varela et al. 2019
See also Alroy 2002, Ameghino 1885, Ameghino 1902, Ameghino 1904, Boscaini et al. 2019, Carroll 1988, Gaudin 1995, Hoffstetter 1954, Kurten and Anderson 1980, Lydekker 1894, MacFadden et al. 1993, McAfee 2009, McDonald and Naples 2007, Oliver Schneider 1926, Parodi Bustos 1974, Rovereto 1914 and Salles et al. 2006
Sister taxa: Archaeomylodon, Bolivartherium, Lestobradys, Lestodon, Megabradys, Morotherium, Mylodonopsis, Mylodontini, Oreomylodon, Paramylodon, Pleurolestodon, Prolestodon, Promylodon, Ranculcus, Simomylodon, Stenodon, Strabosodon, Thinobadistes
Subtaxa: Eumylodon bonaerensis Eumylodon incertus Glossotherium chapadmalense Glossotherium domesticum Glossotherium emmersoni Glossotherium garbanii Glossotherium giganteum Glossotherium phoenesis Glossotherium robustum Glossotherium tropicorum Glossotherium wegneri Pseudolestodon injunctus Pseudolestodon tarijensis
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Quaternary of Argentina (20 collections), Bolivia (3), Brazil (16), Ecuador (19), Paraguay (2), Peru (4), United States (3: Florida, Texas), Uruguay (4), Venezuela (1)
• Blancan of Mexico (3), United States (9: Arizona, Florida, New Mexico, Texas)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Uruguay (1)
• Pliocene of Argentina (4)
• Hemphillian of Mexico (1)
• Miocene to Pliocene of Argentina (1)
Total: 91 collections including 94 occurrences
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