Angiospermae - Malvales - Malvaceae
Parent taxon: Malvales according to The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 2016
See also Knowlton 1919, Knowlton 1926, Li and Oskolski 2015, Mabberley 2000 and Xie and Manchester 2014
Sister taxa: Argyrodendron, Bixaceae, Bombacaceae, Buettneriaceae, Cistaceae, Crototricolpites, Cytinaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Echiperiporites, Lakiapollis, Muntingiaceae, Neuradaceae, Sarcolaenaceae, Sphaerosepalaceae, Sterculiaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Tiliaceae
Subtaxa: Abutilon Allobriquetia Androcalva Apeiba Aristotelicaulon Bombaciphyllum Bombacoxylon Daberocarpon Discoidites Dombeyoideae Firmiana Guazuma Heritieroxylon Hibiscoxylon Hibiscus Hightea Luehea Malva Malvacarpus Malvacearumpollis Malvaciphyllum Malvastrum Malvocarpon Manihotites Marcanodendron Mortoniodendron Rhodognaphalon Sterculia Sterculites Urena Wataria Wheeleroxylon
Ecology: "photoautotroph"
• Quaternary of Argentina (1 collection), Australia (6), the Bahamas (1), the Congo-Kinshasa (2), India (17), New Zealand (1)
• Pliocene of Brazil (1), Panama (5), Portugal (2)
• Miocene to Oligocene of Peru (1)
• Miocene to Pliocene of India (2), Nepal (1), Peru (1)
• Miocene of Argentina (4), Australia (1), Bhutan (1), Brazil (1), China (6), India (2), Panama (12), United States (3: Massachusetts, Montana, Washington)
• Oligocene to Miocene of Argentina (1)
• Oligocene of Japan (1), Peru (1)
• Eocene to Miocene of Argentina (1)
• Eocene of China (1), Myanmar (45), the United Kingdom (3), United States (2: Colorado, Wyoming)
• Paleocene of Argentina (3), Colombia (8), United States (9: North Dakota)
• Paleogene of India (3)
• Cretaceous of Antarctica (1), Argentina (1), Canada (1: British Columbia), Mexico (1), United States (17: Georgia, Kansas, North Dakota, Virginia, Wyoming)
Total: 170 collections including 249 occurrences