Tribe Equini Quinn 1955 (horse)

Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Equidae

Full reference: J. H. Quinn. 1955. Miocene Equidae of the Texas Gulf Coastal Plain. Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas Report of Investigations 5516:1-102

Parent taxon: Equinae according to L. Dos Santos Avilla et al. 2015

See also Alberdi et al. 2014, Baskin 1991, Ferrusquía-Villafranca et al. 2014, Hulbert 1988, Kelly 1995, Lance 1950, MacFadden 1998, Prado and Alberdi 1996, Prothero and Schoch 1989, Quinn 1955 and Quinn 1957

Sister taxa: Acritohippus, Calippini, Hipparionini, Hippodon, Hippotheriini, Merychippus, Protohippini, Scaphohippus, Stylonus

Subtaxa: Allohippus Boreohippidion Calippus Dinohippus Equus Equus proversus Heteropliohippus Hippidion Parapliohippus Plesippus Pliohippina Pliohippus Protohippina Protohippus

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Ecology: ground dwelling grazer-browser


• Quaternary of Algeria (2 collections), Argentina (58), Austria (1), Azerbaijan (1), Belgium (1), Bolivia (8), Brazil (27), Bulgaria (1), Canada (31: Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, Yukon), Chile (24), China (13), the Congo-Kinshasa (4), Costa Rica (1), Croatia (1), the Czech Republic (2), Djibouti (4), Ecuador (17), Egypt (16), El Salvador (2), Eritrea (2), Ethiopia (54), France (30), Georgia (3), Germany (31), Greece (30), Guatemala (5), Honduras (3), Hungary (7), India (30), Israel (6), Italy (38), Kazakhstan (3), Kenya (85), Kyrgyzstan (1), Libya (4), Malta (1), Mexico (35), Monaco (2), Mongolia (1), Morocco (10), Namibia (1), the Netherlands (6), Nicaragua (3), Pakistan (2), Panama (1), Peru (14), Portugal (3), Romania (18), the Russian Federation (12), Saudi Arabia (2), South Africa (52), Spain (44), Sudan (6), Swaziland (1), Syria (2), Taiwan (1), Tajikistan (3), Tanzania (37), Tunisia (1), Turkey (3), Turkmenistan (1), the United Kingdom (13), United States (442: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming), Uruguay (8), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (3), Zambia (4)

• Blancan of El Salvador (1), Mexico (13), United States (199: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, South Dakota, Texas, Washington)

• Pliocene to Holocene of Malawi (1), Uganda (1)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Bulgaria (1), China (1), the Congo-Kinshasa (1), Costa Rica (1), Ethiopia (6), France (2), Greece (5), India (4), Italy (4), Kenya (7), Malawi (2), Nepal (1), the Russian Federation (1), South Africa (4), Spain (2), Tajikistan (1), Turkey (1), United States (1: Montana), Venezuela (1)

• Pliocene of Argentina (4), Chile (1), France (1), Georgia (1), Greece (7), Hungary (5), India (3), Italy (2), Kazakhstan (1), Mexico (1), Romania (6), the Russian Federation (4), South Africa (1), Spain (8), Tajikistan (5), Ukraine (1), United States (10: California, Texas)

• Hemphillian of Canada (1: Alberta), Costa Rica (1), Honduras (3), Mexico (34), United States (127: Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas)

• Baodean of China (1)

• Miocene to Pliocene of South Africa (4), United States (11: California, Florida, Montana, Oklahoma)

• Miocene to Pleistocene of the Netherlands (1), South Africa (1)

• Neogene of Argentina (1)

• Miocene of El Salvador (1), Honduras (3), Mexico (1), Panama (1), Ukraine (1), United States (382: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming)

Total: 2175 collections including 2728 occurrences

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