Corannulus Stradner 1962 (haptophyte alga)


Full reference: H. Stradner. 1962. Über neue und wenig bekannte Nannofossilien aus Kreide und Alttertiär. Verhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt (Wien) 2:363-377

Parent taxon: Haptophyta according to H. Stradner 1962

Sister taxa: Aspidorhabdus, Camuralithus, Coccolithophyceae, Conococcolithus, Craspedolithus, Crassapontosphaera, Crassidiscus, Cricosphaera, Cyclolithella, Cycloperfolithus, Discoasteridae, Duplexipodorhabdus, Ellipsodiscoaster, Helicosphaera, Heliorthus, Koczyia, Leptodiscus, Lithostromationaceae, Nannocorbis, Orthozygus, Pervilithus, Phanulithus, Pyrocyclus, Reticulofenestra, Rhabdolithina, Sphenaster, Striatococcolithus, Syracosphaera, Umbilicosphaera, Vermiculithina, Wiseorhabdus

Subtaxa: none

Ecology: passively mobile planktonic "photoautotroph"


• Eocene of Ukraine (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections including 3 occurrences

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