Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Acanthoceratidae
Alternative combination: Prionotropis seitzi
Full reference: L. Riedel. 1933. Die Oberkreide vom Mungofluà in Kamerun und ihre Fauna. Beiträge zur Geologischen Erforschung der Deutschen Schutzgebiete 16:1-154
Belongs to Kamerunoceras according to R. A. Reyment 1958
See also Reyment 1954 and Riedel 1933
Sister taxa: Kamerunoceras andinum, Kamerunoceras antsaronense, Kamerunoceras calvertense, Kamerunoceras douvillei, Kamerunoceras eschii, Kamerunoceras ganuzai, Kamerunoceras inaequicostatus, Kamerunoceras isovokyense, Kamerunoceras jacobsoni, Kamerunoceras lecointrei, Kamerunoceras puebloense, Kamerunoceras schindewolfi, Kamerunoceras tinrhertense, Kamerunoceras turoniense, Schindewolfites isovokyense
Type specimen: Its type locality is Mungo River, profil I, bed 2e, which is in a Turonian carbonate limestone in the Mungo River Formation of Cameroon
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
• Cretaceous of Brazil (1 collection), Cameroon (1)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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