Kamerunoceras andinum Renz 1982 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Acanthoceratidae

Alternative combination: Kamerunoceras (Schindewolfites) andinum

Full reference: O. Renz. 1982. The Cretaceous ammonites of Venezuela 1-132

Belongs to Kamerunoceras according to C. Ifrim et al. 2018

See also Renz 1982

Sister taxa: Kamerunoceras antsaronense, Kamerunoceras calvertense, Kamerunoceras douvillei, Kamerunoceras eschii, Kamerunoceras ganuzai, Kamerunoceras inaequicostatus, Kamerunoceras isovokyense, Kamerunoceras jacobsoni, Kamerunoceras lecointrei, Kamerunoceras puebloense, Kamerunoceras schindewolfi, Kamerunoceras seitzi, Kamerunoceras tinrhertense, Kamerunoceras turoniense, Schindewolfites isovokyense

Type specimen: Its type locality is Assemblage 2, Los Mamones [Chejendé Mbr, La Luna Fm], which is in a Turonian marine siliciclastic in the La Luna Formation of Venezuela

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore

Distribution: found only at Assemblage 2, Los Mamones [Chejendé Mbr, La Luna Fm]

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