Mammalia - Chiroptera - Rhinolophidae
Parent taxon: Rhinolophoidea according to J. J. Shi and D. L. Rabosky 2015
See also Carroll 1988, Cope 1889, Flower 1883, Flower and Lydekker 1891, Jaekel 1911, Kurten 1968, Nowak 1991 and Wilson and Reeder 2005
Sister taxa: Craseonycteridae, Hipposideridae, Megadermatidae, Necromantidae, Rhinonycteridae, Rhinopomatidae
Subtaxa: Palaeonycteris Rhinolophus
Ecology: volant insectivore
• Quaternary of Austria (1 collection), China (3), the Czech Republic (1), France (2), Greece (4), Hungary (5), Israel (4), Italy (6), Japan (2), the Philippines (3), Poland (1), Portugal (1), South Africa (3), Spain (8), Yemen (2), Zambia (1)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of France (1), South Africa (1)
• Pliocene of Austria (1), Hungary (6), Poland (4), South Africa (3), Spain (1)
• MN 13 of France (1)
• Miocene of Austria (3), France (2), Germany (2), Greece (1), Italy (1), Namibia (1), Serbia and Montenegro (3), Slovakia (1), Spain (2), Thailand (1)
• Oligocene of Australia (1), Spain (1)
• Eocene of France (8), Switzerland (1)
Total: 93 collections including 134 occurrences