Order Insectivora Bowdich 1821 (insectivoran)
Alternative spelling: Insectivori
Parent taxon: Monodelphia according to O. P. Hay 1930
See also Ameghino 1894, Ameghino 1897, Cope 1889, Flower 1883, Flower and Lydekker 1891, Gadow 1898, Gregory 1910, Gunnell 1989, Hay 1902, Jaekel 1911, Kielan-Jaworowska et al. 2004, Leidy 1873, Lillegraven and McKenna 1986, McKenna 1975, Novacek et al. 1985, Nowak 1991, Shoshani et al. 1989 and Sloan and Van Valen 1965
Sister taxa: Afrotheria, Americatheria, Atlantogenata, Boreoeutheria, Educabilia, Epitheria, Exafroplacentalia, Ineducabilia, Pahelia, Petrolemuridae, Tingamarra, Ungulatomorpha, Chiroptera, Mutilata
Subtaxa: Erinaceota Hyopsodonta Menotyphla Myogalidae Mythomyidae Proglires Scalopidae Tupaiiformes
Ecology: ground dwelling insectivore