Stegotherium tauberi Gonzalez and Scilalto-Yané 2008 (edentate)

Mammalia - Xenarthra

Full reference: L. R. Gonzalez and G. J. Scilalto-Yané. 2008. Una nueva especie de Stegotherium Ameghino (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae, Stegotheriini) del Mioceno de la provincia de Santa Cruz (Argentina). Ameghiniana 45(4):641-648

Belongs to Stegotherium according to L. R. Gonzalez and G. J. Scilalto-Yané 2008

Sister taxa: Stegotherium caroloameghinoi, Stegotherium notohippidensis, Stegotherium pascuali, Stegotherium simplex, Stegotherium tesselatum, Stegotherium variegatum, Stegotherium variegumum

Type specimen: YPM PU 15565, a partial skeleton (anterior portion of breastplate, complete skull, cervical vertebrae except 6th and 7th, two thoracic vertebrae and right foot). Its type locality is Killik Aike Norte, which is in a Santacrucian terrestrial tuff in the Santa Cruz Formation of Argentina.

Ecology: ground dwelling omnivore


• Miocene of Argentina (4 collections)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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