†family Pleurosternidae Cope 1868 (turtle)

Reptilia - Testudinata - Pleurosternidae

Full reference: E. D. Cope. 1868. On the origin of genera. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 20:242-300

Parent taxon: Paracryptodira according to Y. Rollot et al. 2021

See also Anquetin 2012, Carroll 1988, Cope 1871, Cope 1875, Delair 1958, Goodwin et al. 1999, Guerrero and Pérez-García 2020, Guerrero and Pérez-García 2021, Hay 1902, Hay 1908, Hay 1930, Holroyd and Hutchison 2002, Hutchison and Holroyd 2003, Hutchison et al. 2013, Joyce 2007, Joyce and Anquetin 2019, Joyce et al. 2004, Karl et al. 2012, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, Lydekker 1889, Lydekker 1889, Lyson and Joyce 2011, Milner 2004, Pérez-García et al. 2015, Pérez-Garcia et al. 2021, Pérez-García and Murelaga 2013, Pérez-García and Ortega 2011, Pérez-García and Ortega 2011, Pérez-García et al. 2015 and Sullivan et al. 2012

Sister taxa: Arundelemys, Baenidae, Baenoidea, Compsemydidae, Compsemys, Desmemys bertelmanni, Glyptops caelatus, Glyptops pervicax, Polythorax, Polythorax missuriensis, Probaena sculpta

Subtaxa: Ballerstedtia Desmemydinae Desmemys Dinochelys Dorsetochelys Glyptops Pleurosternon Riodevemys Selenemys Toremys Uluops

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• Cretaceous of China (1 collection), France (1), Germany (4), Japan (1), Spain (9), the United Kingdom (14), United States (7: Idaho, Montana, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Wyoming)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Spain (1)

• Jurassic of Ethiopia (1), France (2), Portugal (4), Spain (1), the United Kingdom (5), United States (56: Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming)

Total: 107 collections including 124 occurrences

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