Cheirocystella antiqua Paul 1972

Rhombifera - Cheirocrinidae

Full reference: C. R. C. Paul. 1972. Cheirocystella antiqua gen. et. sp. nov. from the Lower Ordovician of western Utah and its bearing on the evolution of the Cheirocrinidae (Rhombifera: Glyptocystitida). Brigham Young University Geology Studies 19:15-63

Belongs to Cheirocystella according to C. R. C. Paul 1972

Sister taxon: Cheirocystella languedociunus

Type specimen: UK 49942. Its type locality is Red Tops, House Range, which is in a Stairsian shallow subtidal lime mudstone/grainstone in the Fillmore Formation of Utah.

Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Red Tops, House Range

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