Cheirocystella Paul 1972

Rhombifera - Cheirocrinidae

Full reference: C. R. C. Paul. 1972. Cheirocystella antiqua gen. et. sp. nov. from the Lower Ordovician of western Utah and its bearing on the evolution of the Cheirocrinidae (Rhombifera: Glyptocystitida). Brigham Young University Geology Studies 19:15-63

Parent taxon: Cheirocrinidae according to C. R. C. Paul and S. V. Rozhnov 2016

See also Paul 1972 and Sepkoski 2002

Sister taxa: Acanthalepis, Cheirocrinus, Cheirocystis, Coronocystis, Hadrocystis, Homocystites, Leptocystis, Sprinkleocystis

Subtaxa: Cheirocystella antiqua Cheirocystella languedociunus

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Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Ordovician of France (1 collection), Greenland (1), Thailand (1), United States (1: Utah)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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