Suborder Odontoceti Flower 1867 (toothed whale)

Mammalia - Cetacea

Alternative spelling: Odontocete

Synonyms: Denticete Gray 1864, Odontoceta Ameghino 1889

Full reference: W. H. Flower. 1867. Description of the skeleton of Inia geoffrensis and the skull of Pontoporia blainvillii, with remarks on the systematic position of these animals in the Order Cetacea. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 6:87-116

Parent taxon: Neoceti according to O. Lambert et al. 2017

See also Abel 1900, Agnarsson and May-Collado 2008, Aguirre-Fernández et al. 2009, Alfsen et al. 2021, Ameghino 1889, Ameghino 1894, Barnes 1978, Barnes 1985, Barnes 1985, Barnes 2006, Barnes et al. 1985, Belluzzo and Lambert 2021, Benites-Palomino et al. 2020, Benton 1993, Bergqvist et al. 1999, Berta 2017, Bianucci 1997, Bianucci et al. 2018, Bianucci et al. 2016, Bianucci et al. 2007, Bianucci and Landini 2006, Bianucci and Landini 2007, Bloodworth and Odell 2008, Boessenecker et al. 2017, Brownell 1975, Brownell 1983, Brownell and Praderi 1984, Cahuzac et al. 2005, Canto et al. 2010, Carroll 1988, Case 1904, Collareta et al. 2019, Collareta et al. 2017, Cope 1889, Cope 1890, Cozzuol 1985, da Silva and Best 1996, Ellerman and Morrisson-Scott 1951, Fitzgerald 2010, Flores 1895, Flower 1867, Flower 1883, Flower and Lydekker 1891, Fordyce 2003, Fordyce and Barnes 1994, Fordyce et al. 1995, Fordyce and de Muizon 2001, Fraser and Purves 1960, Gadow 1898, Gaetán et al. 2019, Gaetán et al. 2025, Gaskin et al. 1974, Geisler 2018, Geisler et al. 2011, Geisler and Sanders 2003, Gill 1871, Gill 1872, Gill 1873, Gingerich 2005, Godfrey et al. 2017, Godfrey and Lambert 2023, Godfrey et al. 2016, Gondar 1966, Gray 1864, Gray 1866, Gray 1868, Gray 1871, Gregory 1910, Gutstein et al. 2009, Hampe 2006, Harland et al. 1967, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Hernández Cisneros et al. 2017, Hershkovitz 1966, Heyning and Dahleim 1988, Hulbert and Whitmore 2006, Jaekel 1911, Jefferson et al. 2024, Jefferson and Karczmarski 2001, Jefferson and Leatherwood 1994, Jefferson and Newcomer 1993, Kazár 2005, Kazár 2006, Kazár et al. 2004, Kimura and Hasegawa 2024, Lambert 2005, Lambert 2006, Lambert 2008, Lambert et al. 2018, Lambert et al. 2010, Lambert et al. 2017, Lambert et al. 2018, Lambert et al. 2021, Lambert and Louwye 2006, Loughlin and Perez 1985, Lydekker 1887, Marx et al. 2016, McKenna 1975, McKenna and Bell 1997, Mead and Brownell 2005, Miller 1923, Moore 1968, Nelson et al. 2025, Nelson et al. 2025, Newcomer et al. 1996, Norman and Mead 2001, Parker and Haswell 1897, Paula Couto 1956, Peredo et al. 2018, Peri et al. 2019, Perrin 2001, Perrin 2002, Pilleri 1986, Pilleri 1990, Post and Kompanje 2010, Pyenson and Hoch 2007, Reeves and Tracey 1980, Rice 1998, Rice 2002, Rice 2009, Rothausen 1961, Sach and Heizmann 2001, Scammon and Cope 1869, Scheffer and Rice 1963, Scott 1873, Simpson 1945, Slijper 1936, Stacey et al. 1994, Stewart and Stewart 1989, Tanaka et al. 2017, Tanaka and Fordyce 2014, Tanaka and Fordyce 2015, Tanaka and Fordyce 2016, Thurmond and Jones 1981, Trouessart 1898, Trouessart 1904, True 1908, Turner 1912, Uhen 2005, Uhen 2008, Uhen 2010, Van Deinse 1931, Vidal 1991, Weber 1904, Weber 1928, Whitmore 1984, Whitmore and Sanders 1977, Winge 1921, Zittel 1894 and Zittel 1925

Sister taxa: Microzeuglodon, Mysticeti

Subtaxa: Acrodelphinidae Agorophioidea Agriocetus Amblyoccipita Argyrocetus Ashleycetidae Atropatenocetus Aureia Balaenodon Belosphys Berardiopsis Caolodelphis Cetophis Champsodelphis Champsodelphis italicus Chilcacetus Colophonodon Delphinapterus orcinus Delphinida Delphinoceti Delphinodon mento Delphinopsis Delphinorhynchus Delphinus domeykoi Delphinus restitutensis Delphinus vanzelleri Dinoziphius Ediscetus Enigmatocetus Eurhinodelphinida Eurhinodelphinidae Eurhinodelphis minoensis Eurhinodelphis sassariensis Graamocetus Graphiodon Helvicetus Helvicetus rugosus Hesperocetus Hesperoinia Homaeocetus Homocetus villersii Hyperoodontoidea Inticetidae Ixacanthus Kharthlidelphis Lonchodelphis Macrochirifer Macrodelphinus Mesoplodontidae Microcetus Miokogia Miotursiops Mirocetidae Monodontoidea Nannolithax Neosqualodon Oedolithax Oligodelphis Oligosqualodon Palaeoziphius Pandelphinida Panphyseteroidea Parapontoporiidae Parasqualodon Patriocetidae Pelodelphis Phoberodon Phoca debilis Phoca rugosidens Phococetus Physeteroidea Physetodon Platanidelphidi Platanistida Platanistoidea Platydelphis Pontivaga Priscodelphinus Priscodelphinus teres Priscophyseter Priscophyseter typus Proinia Prolipotes Prophyseter Prosqualodon Prosqualodon hamiltoni Proterocetus Rhabdosteoidea Rhabdosteus Rhabodosteus Romaleodelphis Sachalinocetus Saurocetus Saurocetus gibbesii Scaptodon Scaptodon lodderi Squaloceti Squalodelphis pusillus Squalodon (Microzeuglodon) wingei Squalodon crassus Squalodon imperator Squalodon linzianus Squalodon molassicus Squalodon pelagius Squalodon vocontiorum Squalodon wymanii Squalodontidae Squalodontoidea Stereodelphis Sulakocetus Susoidea Susuoidea Synrhina Tretosphys Tretosphys uraeus Uncamentodon Xenorophidae Zignodelphinidae Ziphioidea

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Ecology: aquatic carnivore

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