Gastropoda - Sorbeoconcha - Cassidae
Alternative combination: Galeodea (Gomphopages) sutterensis
Synonyms: Galeodea (Gomphopages) susanae Schenck 1926, Galeodea susanae Schenck 1926
Full reference: R. E. Dickerson. 1916. Stratigraphy and fauna of the Tejon Eocene of California. University of California Publications Bulletin of the Department of Geology 9(17):363-524
Belongs to Galeodea according to R. L. Squires 2019
See also Clark and Woodford 1927, Durham 1942, Schenck 1926, Squires 1984 and Turner 1938
Sister taxa: Doliopsis tricarinatum, Galeodea aegyptiaca, Galeodea allani, Galeodea bicatenata, Galeodea californica, Galeodea crescentensis, Galeodea depressa, Galeodea echinophora, Galeodea koureos, Galeodea louella, Galeodea megacephala, Galeodea meganosensis, Galeodea petersoni, Galeodea petrosa, Galeodea planotecta, Galeodea tuberculiformis, Galeodea wylliei, Galeodea (Gomphopages) meganosensis, Galeodea (Gomphopages) millsapsi, Galeodea (Gomphopages) turneri, Galeodea (Mambrinia) nodosa, Galeodea (Mambrinia) gallica, Galeoocorys leucodoma, Cassidaria desori, Cassidaria javana, Cassidaria cheops, Cassidaria lintea, Cassidaria khaledi, Cassidaria washingtoniana
Type specimens:
- Galeodea sutterensis: Its type locality is UCMP loc1853, Marysville Buttes, which is in a Ypresian marine horizon in the Capay Formation of California.
- Galeodea susanae: CAS 1753, a shell.
Ecology: epifaunal carnivore
• Eocene of United States (16: California, Oregon collections)
Total: 16 collections each including a single occurrence
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