Hondonadia Goin and Candela 1998 (metatherian)

Mammalia - Polydolopimorphia - Rosendolopidae

Synonym: Pascualdelphys Flynn and Wyss 1999

Full reference: F. J. Goin and A. M. Candela. 1998. Dos nuevos marsupiales "Pseudodiprotodontes" del Eoceno de Patagonia, Argentina. Asociación Paleontológica Argentina. Publicación Especial 5:79-84

Parent taxon: Rosendolopidae according to F. J. Goin et al. 2010

See also Flynn and Wyss 1999, Goin and Candela 1998 and Goin and Candela 2004

Sister taxon: Rosendolops

Subtaxa: Hondonadia feruglioi Hondonadia parca Hondonadia pittmanae Hondonadia praecipitia Hondonadia pumila Pascualdelphys fierroensis

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Ecology: scansorial omnivore


• Oligocene of Argentina (1 collection), Chile (1), Peru (1)

• Tinguirirican of Argentina (1)

Total: 4 collections including 8 occurrences

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