†family Pentacodontidae Simpson 1937 (eutherian)

Mammalia - Cimolesta - Pentacodontidae

Alternative spelling: Pentacodontinae

Parent taxon: Cimolesta according to McKenna and Bell 1997

See also Lopatin 2006 and Van Valen 1967

Sister taxa: Apatotheria, Cimolestidae, Didelphodonta, Ernanodonta, Palaeoryctida, Pantodonta, Pantolesta, Sarcodontidae, Tillodontia, Todralestidae

Subtaxa: Amaramnis Aphronorus Bisonalveus Eurolestes

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Ecology: scansorial insectivore


• Eocene of United States (4: Wyoming collections)

• Clarkforkian of United States (1: Montana)

• Paleocene of Belgium (1), Canada (10: Alberta), United States (36: Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, Wyoming)

Total: 52 collections including 63 occurrences

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