Bivalvia - Ostreida - Flemingostreidae
Parent taxon: Ostreoidea according to M. J. Bolton and R. W. Portell 2013
See also Carter et al. 2011
Sister taxa: none
Subtaxa: Flemingostreinae Liostreinae
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Pliocene of Venezuela (1 collection)
• Paleocene of United States (2: Alabama, New Jersey)
• Cretaceous to Paleogene of United States (1: New Jersey)
• Cretaceous of Afghanistan (2), Algeria (3), Argentina (28), Belgium (1), Brazil (1), Bulgaria (1), Colombia (1), the Congo-Brazzaville (1), Egypt (20), France (3), Germany (4), India (1), Jordan (1), Kazakhstan (5), Libya (2), Madagascar (1), Morocco (1), Mozambique (1), the Netherlands (2), Oman (4), Pakistan (1), Peru (6), Poland (3), the Russian Federation (1), Serbia and Montenegro (1), South Africa (1), Spain (3), Tunisia (3), Turkmenistan (1), the United Arab Emirates (1), the United Kingdom (1), United States (317: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Wyoming)
Total: 426 collections including 522 occurrences