Suborder Alcae (shorebird)
Parent taxon: Charadriiformes according to R. M. Chandler 1990
See also Miller and Howard 1949, Wetmore 1940, Wetmore 1956 and Wetmore 1960
Sister taxa: Alcoidae, Burhinidae, Charadrii, Charadriisimilis, Chionidae, Cimolopterygidae, Dakotornithidae, Elseyornis, Erythrogonys, Graculavidae, Graculavus, Haematopodidae, Hydrophasianus, Jacanidae, Lari, Limicolae, Panalcidae, Parrae, Pedionomae, Pedionomidae, Peltohyas, Phegornis, Pluvianellus, Pluvianidae, Recurvirostridae, Rhinoptilus, Sarjeantopodus, Scolopaci, Scolopacidae, Stercorariidae, Telmatornis, Telmatornithidae, Thinocoridae, Thinornis, Turnicidae, Volgavis
Subtaxa: none
Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Alcae in the database