Volgavis Nessov and Yarkov 1989 (shorebird)

Aves - Charadriiformes

Full reference: L. A. Nessov and A. A. Yarkov. 1989. Novye ptitsy Mela-Paleogena SSSR i nekotorye zamechaniya po istorii vozniknoveniya i evolyutsii klassa [New Cretaceous-Paleogene birds of the USSR and some remarks on the origin and evolution of the Class Aves]. Fauna i Ekologiya Ptits Evrazii [Faunistic and Ecological Studies of Eurasian Birds]. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta, Akademiya Nauk SSSR 197:78-97

Parent taxon: Charadriiformes according to S. Hope 2002

See also Kurochkin 2000 and Nessov and Yarkov 1989

Sister taxa: Alcae, Alcoidae, Burhinidae, Charadrii, Charadriisimilis, Chionidae, Cimolopterygidae, Dakotornithidae, Elseyornis, Erythrogonys, Graculavidae, Graculavus, Haematopodidae, Hydrophasianus, Jacanidae, Lari, Limicolae, Panalcidae, Parrae, Pedionomae, Pedionomidae, Peltohyas, Phegornis, Pluvianellus, Pluvianidae, Recurvirostridae, Rhinoptilus, Sarjeantopodus, Scolopaci, Scolopacidae, Stercorariidae, Telmatornis, Telmatornithidae, Thinocoridae, Thinornis, Turnicidae

Subtaxa: Volgavis marina

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Type: Volgavis marina

Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore

Distribution: found only at Malaya Ivanovka (Cretaceous of Russian Federation)

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